Cannabis on sale: Thailand’s Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO) is the first price maker in the market: With an initial price of THB 45,000 per kg for grade-A dried cannabis flowers (12% CBD Content Flower) (9% THB 30,000.00), Cannabis Farming starts in 2021 now as a profitable business. Although the some farmers need to team up with a provincial hospital or similar institution to use the plant for medicinal purposes. Also there are certain restrictions under Thai foreigner regulations, (Unless you Obtain the Proper License/s) contact me [email protected] there are ways and means to use the cash crop, opportunities do exist for international investors.
Thailand‘s Cannabis potential is currently on everyone’s lips. In overheated discussions, the business opportunities for foreigners are easily overestimated. This applies to the opportunities that current and future legislation offers to foreigners, but also to the opportunities that Thai Cannabis Business gives you to earn from the Cannabis boom through partnerships with Thai individuals and institutions.
Four sectors: Basically, there are four possible business areas to distinguish. These are firstly the cultivation for and the medical use of cannabis and secondly the research and development of cannabis products. The third is recreational drugs and the fourth covers measures and products related to the industry.
Medical cannabis tourism: While the national ban on international travelers remains in place for an unclear period of time, Thailand is looking at how to resume tourism. After legalizing Cannabis for medical use, Thailand has soon the chance to win quality guests in the land of smiles by focusing on medical cannabis tourism as one of the unique selling points for holiday locations like Phuket, Samui, Hua Hin, and more. This could be a highly attractive foreign investment opportunity to combine the best of Thailand’s tourism with a well-considered investment in one of Thailand’s most promising money-making industries.
Controlled substances: Cannabis comes in various flavors. Commencing January 29, 2021 individuals, legal entities, government offices, community enterprises, companies, and individuals can register (Become Licensed) to use, import, and export the legal parts of Cannabis and Hemp for medical purposes, as well as in the textile, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics industries. Legal parts are bark, stem, stalk, fiber and root, leaves without flowers, extract that contains no more than 0.2 percent of tetrahydrocannabinol per weight in dry form, as well as hemp seeds and their oil extract. Registration is processed at the FDA office in Bangkok, respectively at the provincial public health offices.
Licensing: is possible and necessary for the manufacturing, selling, importing, exporting, and possession of controlled products. The licensing process is typically a multi-step process with a variety of requirements to the applicant, its shareholders, and its business operations. Generally, foreign and other private entities are banned for five years (till 19/02/2024) from the application process.
Current legislation: It is a misconception that Thailand has unclear or gray areas with respect to its cannabis industry. Simply said, the list of controlled substances has recently been adjusted. The use for medical purposes has been allowed under strict limitations. All possession or consumption outside of this area is illegal.
Further developments are promised but it is open at which point in time they would be binding laws.
Penalties: Connoisseurs and cultivators of marijuana like to draw a world of legal cannabis use that does not exist and probably will never exist in Thailand. Crossing the red lines not only endangers the foreign investment but also leads to maximum criminal penalties. Better safe than sorry.

Foreign quota: For the foreign investor, the limitations and restrictions regarding Thai cannabis ventures have essential parameters. A Corporation with a 5 member Board of Directors must meet certain levels of Thai Ownership along with the proper Corporate Bank Account Holdings. A 10 Memebr Board can be done allowing 3 Foreigners yet the required Bank Account Deposit is much Higher.
A cardinal issue is the maximum foreign participation which might be limited at 33%. The possibility and limitations of preference share structures, minority rights, and shareholders agreements should be carefully assessed.
Assessments: In order to invest in Thailand’s cannabis industry, The ecstasy about the liberalization of the marijuana industry must not tempt one to interpret business opportunities in areas that do not exist after the intoxication has left. To qualify in prohibited areas is a marketing concept based on wishful thinking.
Professional services from Thailand Hemp Farms Thailand’s Cannabis, Hemp, and other Agri-businesses.
Kevin Leopard has been a Consultant and keynote speaker on Cannabis and plant science Technologies for many years, and has the proven knowledge on related areas like Cultivation, Extraction, Edibles, Cosmetics in the Cannabis Industry for over 35 years. I have worked as a Agriculture Consultant for the Philippine Department of Science and Technology. Now I live and Work in Thailand on my own Projects. Including Hemp Farming, Extractions, Consulting, Aquaculture, Hydroponics, Aqua-ponics, Vertical farming, Nutrient Film Technology and More.
This distinguishes us from the newcomers, who jump on the bandwagon to benefit from the better Thai magic of the words Cannabis, Marijuana, and Ganja.
Acquiring a License: Thailand Hemp Farms can assists in and supports in the licensing process and knows how to obtain additional approvals and permits. Contact: [email protected]
Foreign companies: Foreign Investors, Foreign Patents are Not allowed until 2024. If you are Married to a Thai National, Own Land, Live in and Love Thailand, then I can help you become Licensed.
Anyone that you see selling online or offline Cannabis Products in Thailand is very likely operating Illegally and I advise Caution and ask for proof of Legality.
Cannabis, marijuana, hashish, hemp, weed, pot, weed, Mary Jane, reefer, grass, bud, ganja, skunk, kratom, superfood, green gold, green rush, cbd cannabidiol, cannabinoids extraction, medical-grade hemp cultivation, hemp extracts, hemp medical and herbal grade products, cryogenic extraction, fractional, distillation, isolation and sonication, ultrasonic extraction equipment, Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB), Department of Thai Traditional, Alternative Medicine and the Department of Medical Sciences, Department of Medical Sciences, Holistic Health Foundation.