How to Enhance the Growth and Output of Cannabis. Hormones and More
Every Living Mammal on this Planet has an Endocannabinoid System. The Cannabis Plant produces the most Cannabinoids, however these are called “Phyto cannabinoids”. Thus, the effectiveness of Cannabis as a Medicine and many other things. This Fact in my Opinion was and still is the main hinderance to it being Read more…
Biochar – the key to better Cannabis growth If you want healthier Cannabis plants and abundant yields, improve your soil health with activated biochar. Its effects last a long time if you apply this organic matter properly. Remember that excessive use can lead to detrimental results. We mix our own Living Read more…
What is a plant viroid? Hop Latent Viroid in Cannabis
A virus is an infectious nucleic acid-based pathogen that is parasitic to the host. Essentially, it is a non-host genome that ‘hijacks’ the replication machinery of the host cell in order to amplify its genome. It also requires host enzymes to translate the viral transcripts into proteins that the virus Read more…
Plant Disease Virus-es and Bacteria can Wreak Havoc
Abnormal growth occurs on many plant species and cultivated crops when they are either infected by an infectious agent or mistreated by over-application of herbicides and other products. The specific cause of an abnormal growth is often perplexing and difficult to identify. Even when a symptomatic plant sample is submitted Read more…