Hello Growers and Potential Investors! Opportunities exist here for Growers interested in Growing Hemp. I have Multiple Parcels of Land that can be used for Hemp Farming. Under the License that Thailand Hemp Farms has I can have Unlimited Farms in the Udon Thani Area. Thailand Hemp Farms is the #1 Source for Growing Hemp in Northern Thailand.

Each of these Parcels was or is currently being used to Farm Rice. This means there is an expense of bringing in Fill in order to bring up the Elevation of the Land. Typically a Load of “Fill Dirt” cost $350.00 Baht, or approx $10.00 USD. One does not need a Fence like I currently use however I highly Recommend this type of Fence for Security. The Return on Investment/Value of a Finished Hemp Crop is Considerable. Each of these Parcels of Land are within 2-10 mins from my Offices.

Cost to Develop:

Your Cost would entail the Fill Dirt. Leveling this out and compaction. Fencing, Locking Gate (The FDA requires 2 Locks) I.P. Addressable Security Cameras, (Not required for Hemp, Yet I recommend. And would allow you to monitor Progress.) Labor, Locks and Screws etc. I am installing Rain and Sun Protection over my Crops as they are very Valuable and this is a worthy additional Expense.

In Total one Rai (approx 17222.25 Sq Ft.) can be costly to prepare. I recommend starting with a ¼ or 1/3 Rai. Seeds, If your Growing for CBD/Cannaboids or Grain, the cost differ. I have Both. Cannabinoid Production provides the best ROI.

It is important to have the Proper Strain of Seed. Thailand Hemp Farms has the Correct Strains that will flourish in the Thai Climate. For Hemp Flower (Cannabinoids/CBD) it is important to use the correct seed. The Thai Landrace has a tendency to turn Hermaphrodite, until Thailand Hemp Farms develops an exclusive Strain we are relegated to using the Thai Landrace. Further information upon this subject is proprietary.

Thus having a Professional Grower monitoring the Grow is extremely Important.

Electric Install, Well/Water Supply, Pumps. Soil and Amendments (Living Soil/Organic) To develop a 1/3 rai Farm will cost you approximately $8,500.00 USD or $279301.500 Baht.

This includes our Supervisory Fee and Extraneous Expenses. For a more Precise Cost or a Business Plan pls Contact [email protected] or use the https://thailandhempfarms.com contact form at the sites’ Footer. Our Lawfirm can prepare any agreement for these purposes at your Expense or you may use your Law Firm.

The Licensing Process takes 5-8 Months and is almost Impossible to acquire. If one is looking to acquire a Personal License to Grow THC containing Flower, this is not possible at this time. The easiest route to take is to work with Thailand Hemp Farms. We are Honest and Timely. We operate 100% Legal Farms, in Full Compliance with Thai Law.

Only Thai people and Myself will ever be involved. I have the personal Honor to be deeply entrenched with the Thai People. If there is something I am unable to facilitate, then my Thai Relatives or Friends/Constituents can do so. The Government of Thailand is allowing us to pursue this type of endeavor in order to benefit the Thai People.

I personally know for a Fact who is Licensed here in Thailand and Who is not as I have the List from the Thai FDA. Anywhere and anyone you see selling Hemp or THC related products Vaporizers, Edibles and etc is very Likely unlicensed. So be careful. There are several websites selling these types of things online that are NOT Licensed to do so. You could be arrested, deported and more.

My Friends in Bangkok, Hua Hin, Chang Mai, and all over Thailand tell me of what they see. Some have told me the Vendors have actually said they do not have a License. One cannot Possess, Import, Transport and etc, etc, etc, without a License issued from the Thai FDA/MOPH. If they claim to have a License they are likely not telling you the Truth.

If you have a specific question in Regards to a particular entity feel free to contact me ( [email protected] ) and I will look them up for you. I do not provide the List of Licensees as this is Private information.

I am allowed to operate unlimited Hemp Farms under my License. If you are interested in Growing Hemp there are prerequisites, and Requirements for Security. I do not divulge this information here as it is one way I earn a Living, by helping others Grow, and establish their Farming Operations.

I will say that the 1st thing a Foreigner needs is a Thai National as the Primary, then you will need to address the elevation of the Land you intend on Farming upon. Most Thai Farms are Currently or Previously were a Rice Field. Your 1st consideration will be the expense of Fill and the Cost of Seeds.

If you would like to Grow for Flower (Cannabinoids) the Seeds cost differently that if one wishes to Grow for Seed. For Incorporation questions I can assist. If I do not have the answers you seek I can refer you over to my Law firm. We both have associates in the Thai FDA.

I can provide to you for a Fee, or I also work for a Percentage of the Harvest, information on how to Grow Hemp and set up your farming Operation. I spent well over a Year learning and acquiring the License along with Thousands in Lawyer Fees, Trial and Error, Translators and More. Thus I do not do this for Free. There is quite a bit of Information on the https://thailandhempfarms.com website about Growing Cannabis Sativa.

One is allowed to grow up to a Rai of Hemp. 1 Rai of hemp will yield between 9-12 Million Baht. (Based upon Flower and the Dried Flower percentage of CBD content) Growing Hemp is extremely Lucrative. I also have Buyers ready to Purchase Hemp Flower, Hurd, Bask (Bio Mass). I have the Seeds (with a COA) and anything/everything you will need.

If you seek to invest I run a 100% Legal/Honest Operation, so please do not Contact me for anything other than a Legal Endeavor.

Currently I am interested in looking for further expansion, or if one is interested in developing a parcel of our land into a Hemp Farm. I can and will Personally make this happen for you. The Government of Thailand is looking for Quality Hemp Oils (cannabinoids) and Products. Hemp provides both of these.

I am also interested in purchasing Extraction (Hydrocarbon or Co2) Infusion Equipment and Testing/Certification Equipment.

Any Providers of such to Thailand Hemp Farms will be the First in Thailand other than the Universities. I do not necessarily need anyone’s Financial Assistance, obviously I have come this far without.

However, if you like Money, this is certainly one way to make some!!

If this is something that interest you, then Contact Me. Thank You for your Interest.

Happy Growing

Kevin Leopard
Thailand Hemp Farms

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