Let’s talk about Cannabis Cultivation in Thailand.
My Name is Kevin. I am the Owner/Operator, Breeder/Grower for Thailand Hemp Farms.
I have been growing Cannabis (CBD and THC) perhaps 47 years.
I have Grown Cannabis all over the World.

Thus, in order to Grow THC containing Flower, we are relegated to starting from Seed.
Meaning that you are likely planting Dioecious Seed.

When you are starting seed, put 1 seed per Seedling Pot, the transplant shock is minimized not having to “break them up”.
Perhaps saving a week or more of Grow time or permanently damaging the Plant.

When I start new seeds indoors, I will keep the Lighting close to them, this will make them short.
Also running the Lighting System 18 to 20 hrs per day will keep them in a vegetative state of growth.
Here in Thailand this is a must.
Where we grow here in Thailand it does not Snow or Freeze.
If Growing Foreigner Seed, Hardening Off is a Very Important process, if you can do it.
Or just start off with Seeds from Thailand.

When your Mother and Father in-law come to help with filling the Small Grow Bags. Then you will start to “Feel” the “Legality of Cannabis!!
Spend your efforts and time upon the Phenotypes you like.
Select the Plants that display the Traits you seek.
Each cannabis seed is unique and will express different traits, and different combinations of traits, from one or both of the parental strains.
These seeds with various expressions are called Phenotypes.

I use Thai Heirloom Strains to breed with.
Foreign Strains like the Infamous Frisian Duck Foot from Dutch Passion Seeds, which is one of my Favorite Strains to grow!
Also, we are using Wedding Cake, Skittles and other Farang Strains.
Breeding them with Thai Heirloom Genetics helps these to grow outside here in Thailand.
Since it is Illegal to Import any sort of Cannabis product into Thailand, Seeds Bred and developed here in Thailand are very important if you like to Grow THC containing Flower.
Thai Big Bud, Thai Duck Foot. Thai Stick, Squirrel Tail and Foitong and others.
LandRace Strains each with Foreign Genetics.
Legal THC Seed made here in Thailand. I have Seed for Sale. Landrace and Seed I have personally developed.

Made by the Sons and Daughters of The Grandparents who originally made Thai Stick! Then sold it to the Vietnam American Soldiers.
To remain Legal, it is best to follow Thailand’s Rules and regulations, regardless of what you may have been told “elsewhere”.
The Thai Government has told me personally that Importation of any Cannabis is Illegal.
If you need Seed or Cannabis. We can Supply you Quantities Legally. Grams, Ounces, Kilos and Tons.

The #1 water to use is Rain Water.
Rain Water contains trace amounts of Minerals and Hydrogen Peroxide. Hydrogen Peroxide will “Green Up” your Plants.
And it helps plants by releasing micronutrients locked in the soil.
However, if you live in an area that has very poor air quality, do not use the Rain Water.
Check The water and always check the PH prior to use.
The natural pH of rainwater is 5.0.
Never use City Water directly on your Plants at any stage of growth.
If you must use City Water let it sit for a few days, this allows some of the Chlorine and Treatment Chemicals to evaporate out.
Water temperature should be between 64-72F.
Water temperature will dictate the amount of oxygen in the water and how much water your plant will intake.
Hydrogen is also necessary for building sugars and plant Growth.
It is obtained almost entirely from water.
Hydrogen ions are imperative for a proton gradient to help drive the electron transport chain
in the photosynthesis process and for respiration.
Well or Ground Water likely will contain large amounts of Minerals, these can clog up your drip irrigation.
Be aware of your Water and the Source.
A “saboteur” or disgruntled employee could pour a few Gallons of Glyphosate into your water supply and really goof up your endeavor.
Regardless of the source, correct water pH is very important.
Testing water pH along with Water Quality, should be a standard procedure for every Cannabis grower.

Water pH test kits are readily available and easy to use. Cannabis does best with a pH reading between 6-7.
A level of 6.5 is perfect—even lower for hydroponic grows. For hydroponic cultivation, a level between 5-6 is best, with 5.5 being ideal.
Most likely, your water won’t be right on target. While you can likely grow cannabis with it, your plants won’t grow with the same vigor that they will with pH in the proper range.
Proper PH affects the Plants ability to ingest Nutrients.
The “PH” of your water, and the PH of your Soil, Substrate or Growing Medium is the most important thing for a Cannabis Plant.
Correct PH creates an environment where the Plant can absorb any and all nutrients she needs to grow.
The temperature of the water also affects the pH value.
The Correct PH allows the Plant to perform her Job unimpeded.

When Transplanting seedlings into new Medium, moisten the receiving area or depression to minimize the Transplant Shock onto the roots.
And then flood the Transplant when Finished.
Also remember to have several Potted Plants growing on the side as well.
When you change the Photoperiod, or throughout your grow, you will encounter Males and Hermaphrodites that will be removed along with some Mortality.
Growing outdoors or indoors here in Thailand having Replacements is a must!
Using Pots allows you to have a “Modular” System.
Use Cloth or Grow Pots that are porous. Raise your Plants up off the Ground.
My Experience here in Thailand has been dragging a Hose over seedlings, Insects, Cats, Dogs, Chickens and etc.
Grow Pots are the way to go!

If accidently many Seedlings are “clumped” together, here is a great way to separate them vs ripping them apart.
Tearing the Seedlings apart will damage their new Roots and cause Permanent Damage.
Dip the Potted Dirt Down into a Bucket of Water.
Hold it underwater just above the level of the soil, until the Bubbles stop emerging from it.

Gently lift it out, holding it all together. Place it onto your table.
They all should separate nicely, if still there are a few Seedlings “inter-twined” put these down into the water again and gently shake them until the separate.
Always keep everything Wet. And be Gentle.
You have lots of time, and this is your Job!

and Weight.
I put Rice Hulls at the bottom of all Seedling Containers.
This aids in transplantation, falling off the Roots easily during Transplantation.
Thailand Has an Abundance of Rice Hulls.
Using Rice Hulls in the Grow Pots also reduces the Weight of each Grow Pot, and also aids in Drainage.

A very Important Consideration here in Thailand is Insects.
Cutworms will kill many seedlings.
Caterpillars can be a contributing factor to Bud Rot.
These herbivores cause plant injury while feeding, and their manure provides a nutrient source for disease establishment.
Cutting the plant creates a wound site that can provide an ingress point for disease establishment.
And Another Consideration in reference to Growing here in Thailand is after a Rain.
Water will splash Dirt up onto your Plants.
This Dirt will contain Eggs from Various Insects.
Conidia can contact plant hosts through rain splash as well.
Cannabis has interacted with microbial pathogens for hundreds of millions of years,
and has evolved complex defensive systems.
Yet one still must remain diligent!

The Lights in this Image are 400 Watt Metal Halide. Metal Halide are the Best Lights to use during the “Vegatative” Growth Cycle of a Cannabis Plant.
I recommend daily Inspection of each and every Plant. One can now acquire Triploid Seed. Using Triploid Seed there is no longer the need to look for a Males or Hermies.
I Breed my own Seed. Thus they are Dioecious. This along with the Fact that there is Cannabis Growing around me everywhere.
Inspections are very Important. Pollen travels very Far. And the Neighbors grow anything.

Another very important consideration growing Photo Period Genetics here in Thailand is putting Lights onto your Plants as soon as they are even 3 inches high.
Some Thai Strains will begin to sex out regardless of how much Light is provided.
When growing outside here in Thailand I recommend Lights being placed withing 7 meters of the last Plant.
Put your Hand Behind the Plant. The Plant should be producing a shadow.

Always under Fertilize and under Water.
Fertilization depends upon the Medium being used to grow in.
The Grow Medium being used will also affects the PH levels.
Under Fertilization and Underwatering will help if you have little experience.
Cannabis Does not Need a Lot of Water.
I have a saying “You Cannot get the Sugar out of the Kool Aid once you have put it in”
You can always add more amendments as needed.

I recommend identifying and removing Hermaphrodites immediately.
Hermaphroditism is a Genetic Trait and Heavily Present here in Thailand.
Some growers feel that Hermaphroditism is brought on specifically from Stress.
While this can be true, it is Primarily a Genetic trait that will be passed onto the Females in your Crop, if they are allowed to exist in your Grow.
Also, sometimes a Plant will turn Hermaphrodite out of desperation as well!
I Highly Recommend Removal of Hermaphrodites.
I was a Consultant for the Philippine Dept. of Science and Technology several years ago.
I watched as Cannabis Farmers there grew Hermaphrodites over and over again.

I recommend learning about Sustainable Agriculture Techniques and Making and Using a Living Soil.
Using Living Soil, I rarely ever need to use any type of Amendment.
Learn about Mycorrhiza.
The roots of plants can only take in nutrients within its Rhizosphere, or the area surrounding its roots.
This area encompasses about 1/10 of an inch.

Think about this...
All that fertilizer, compost, water and whatever else you dump into the soil is only getting to the plant if it is 1/10 of an inch away from the roots.
The rest is wasted.
Growing in Soil also affects the Flavonoids and Terpenes.
If you can master the living soil method, your product will always be superior.
Experimentation is cool!
Mixing in a little bit of Molasses feeds the Microorganisms in the Living Soil..

Micorrhizal Fungi Eat Nutrients and make these more available to the Plant.
In organic gardening, they are very beneficial to the plants and can help increase yields, this, along with assisting in the Plants immunity.
To better survive, the plants root system secretes out certain exudates, organic acids and sugars, in their endeavor to attract particular organisms like fungi and bacteria for acquiring whatever micro-nutrient the plant is lacking.
Mycorrhizal Fungi also help the plants fight off diseases, and find water when it is scarce.

Fungi spread out in root-like stringy webs called “Hypha” and bring the nutrients to the Rhizosphere, to trade them for the Exudates.
This basically increases the area of the plant’s rhizosphere and thus more access to nutrients for the plant.
Using a Living Soil will help ensure that when your Grow needs a nutrient, it is available.
This “circular living system” provides the inert elements for the perfect environment.
Adding into your soil Carbonized Rice Hulls is a Great Idea. These can be purchased by the Truck Load.
Here in Thailand, they are Plentiful.
Microbes and fungi love the pores in Pumice and Biochar.
Excellent conditions for the mycorrhizal fungi and microorganisms to thrive.
Mycorrhiza and other Beneficial Fungi usually take a min of 90 days to mature.
Reusing some of your previous Soils you will be adding the Fungi you previously grew!

Making Compost Tea it is important to “Aerate” the Tea as it is being made.
If you do not, the Tea will become anaerobic. Which is not Good.
Aerobic Tea is what you want. Using a Bubbler, this will help keep the Tea Cool and make the Tea Aerobic.
The introduced microbes process organic matter and break down mineral elements in the soil.
Another important thing to always consider in Thailand is the heat.

The lower molecular weight of Fulvic Acid gives fulvic acid an excellent ability to cross the membranes of plant cells.
This makes fulvic acid particularly efficient when used as a foliar spray to convey nutrients to plants quickly.
Some Plant Nutrients are Mobile, while others are Immobile.
Immobile Nutrients are sometimes needed and are applied Foliarly to a Full Plant.
Use Fulvic Acid as a Carrier or Chelator. Fulvic Acid is made from Humic Acid.
Fulvic Acid has a smaller molecular structure and is absorbed by the Plant easier.
Fulvic Acid has the same Chelating ability as Humic Acid.
Never Spray Flower. Spray applications will increase the flower’s interior humidity and create conditions for spore germination.

I make and use my own cultures.
I grow my own Cultures for different purposes.
Different Cultures can affect the Flavor and Growth Rate of you Plants.

As a consultant “Back in the Day” the most Common errors I saw were overwatering and Plants to close to the Light/s, (Heat Stress).
Watering your Plants or how much you water your Plants is a Thing that is Difficult to teach.
Here in Thailand a correct Watering Schedule is Very Important.
Like Playing Pool. I can offer instruction, yet the implementation of my Instruction is up to you.
Skill will come with Experience!
Identifying “Light Poisoning is also very Important.
Exposure to Light will interrupt the Plants Flowering.

Sometimes the Thai Government will come out to Inspect your Grow.
It is good to be Licensed and in 100% Compliance. I have 3 Licenses.

I recommend here in Thailand that you install the Electrical Supply Yourself.
I Love Thailand, however the same standards or Protocols where you are from may not be followed here.
It is best to Design and Build your Grow here in Thailand from the “Ground, Up”
Using your job hazard analysis, create a solid workplace safety plan. Remember, Electricity is a real Hazard.
Employee Training is very important!

I recommend HID Lighting.
This will increase your Yields, Terpene and Flavonoid Development as well.
I use High Intensity Discharge Lighting on my Indoor grows.
I have learned over the Years that the More Power put into a Grow, The better the Yield.
This along with how much Work, Attention and Love is given.

Even Though drip irrigation is in place on our Thailand Farms, Hand Watering is still done.
This offers an opportunity to inspect each Plant.
However, this is very Time Consuming.
Yet absolutely necessary when having a 100% organic Grow.
I killed 60 plus Leaf Miners last inspection.
One must be diligent and maintain IPM.
Pest can get out of control very quickly here.
I do not use any Chemicals. I do everything myself.
Plant Inspection and Maintenance.
Also, at harvest, it is good to determine what has been happening in the Rhyzone.
This is an opportunity to also inspect the Apical Meristems.
Inspecting the Soil at Harvest is a good Practice.

If your Growing inside, a back Up Power Supply I highly recommend.
The Electrical Supply here in Thailand can be unpredictable.
If the Grow Facilities’ Power quits, the lights go out, and the Ventilation!!
Staying off for an extended period of time at the wrong time can have consequences.

Security is a top concern for all Cannabis grows.
The best Practice is an on site “Live in” security.
Using alarm systems normally involves Lights coming on, this can interrupt the Cannabis Grow Cycle.
In Thailand I Use Dogs and a Manned on Site Security vs a DVR.
A DVR (Digital Video Recorder) security system that relies upon electricity also becomes a problem.
Thus, here in Thailand having an on site “Live In” Guard is a great Idea.
It is easy to find a Thai worker for this purpose.

The Plants actually “Breath”. This is Called “Plant Transpiration”.
The Leaves have Pores or “Mouths” called Stomata.
Stomata are little “Mouths” that exist on the Leaf Surface and more so on the underside of the Plant’s leaf. Water diffuses through the Stomata and evaporates into the air.
Water loss or Transpiration is a necessary part of plant Metabolism.
The Stomata must open to let out carbon dioxide that is produced as a waste product of the Photosynthesis Process.
Rinsing down your Plants every Day here in Thailand I recommend. Only do this in the Late Evening.
This simulates Rain and removes dust and finite matter that has settled upon them during the day.
Rinsing Down your Plants allow the Stomata to fully function and photosynthesis to go on unimpeded.
After doing this for a week or more I am sure you will notice.
Cannabis plants, need humid air to thrive. This is because the pores through which they breathe lose most of their moisture when the surrounding air is dry.
A loss that the plant can’t always replace through the water absorbed by its roots.
One of your most important concerns is Air Movement.
Air Flow affects all aspects of a Grow. In Thailand, inside or outside or anywhere!
I always have commercial Fans on the Plants to aid in their Transpiration and Temperature Control.
Thailand Can Become Very Hot.
Extreme heat will slow down the Photosynthesis, thus the Plants Growth and yields are affected.
In nature, plants need their oxygen and carbon dioxide supplies constantly refreshed in order to survive and perform photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants produce the carbohydrates they need to feed themselves.
The chloroplasts of plants are cells filled with green chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs blue and red light waves.
The energy from these waves is then used to synthesize glucose.
Controlling airflow and maintaining your canopy is extremely important for limiting mold growth and pest infestations.

Proper Curing should be done in a Dark area along with Humidity Controls and moving Air.
The room’s air should be cleaned with a two step filtration (particulate-uvc) and regular visual inspection by experienced personnel should be performed.
I recommend Ultraviolet light in the C spectrum.
(UV-C) is an energy-rich light with a wavelength of 200 – 280 nanometers.
Also, another item you will need is a Hygrometer.
A hygrometer is a device that allows you to monitor the humidity of the room.
Sunlight will degrade your Product.
Depending upon the Strain or Size of a Plant, Just hanging the entire Plant to dry can create problems.
It will collapse in upon itself as the desiccation occurs.
This can create inside the Canopy of the Drying Plant an area of Moisture, that can be used to propagate mold.
Thailand has extreme Humidity and Prime Conditions exist for Mold Growth.
Here in Thailand, it is good to “break up” the Plant before drying.

Make separate grows. Separate Cures. In separate areas.
Do not wear the same clothing when entering into an additional Grow or Curing area.
Transferring a Mold Spore from one Curing Area to another can be devastating.
Know how to Cure your Flower, and properly store it.
Most Cannabis improves the Longer it is Cured.
Curing Cannabis is somewhat of an art form and can be quite hard to master,
but with practice, it can really boost the overall quality of the Cannabis.
The curing process allows for two main things to happen.
Firstly, it allows bacteria time to breakdown any remaining chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll contains Magnesium, which can lead to an unpleasant taste.
By giving bacteria the time and the environment needed to properly breakdown any remnants,
it drastically improves the final taste and experience.
A master of curing will be able to determine the exact balance of humidity.
And also know when the best time to move the bud from drying to curing is, and then cure it to the ideal point.
Well cured Cannabis is what separates connoisseur level Cannabis from the standard.

Growing here in Thailand, daily scouting checks are essential to confirm your crops are healthy and free of pests, pathogens, and molds.
Preparation and prevention are always better than reacting and responding.
Molds and Pest can be transmitted by improper entrance and visiting protocols.
Thailand’s climate can provide perfect conditions for disease establishment.
Botrytis will cooperate with other fungal and oomycete pathogens including Fusarium and Pythium species to infect seedlings and cuttings.
These cannot be seen with the Naked Eye.
When performing Tissue Cultures, Fungi will be your top Concern.
This colonization contributes to damping off disease, wilting, and leaf lesions.
Another important step in caring for your Thai Cannabis inventory is testing.
Stay up to date on what your Buyers and Government and possibly meeting EU/GMP Protocols are that may be required of you.
If you are having to remove some Infected leaves or handle some diseased plants,
always remember to Clean Up before moving on to the next plant.
Observe theses protocols. Keep Water and Sanitizing Spray Near By.
Always Quarantine New Clones or Plants for a few weeks prior to introduction to your crop.

Nets are used to collect seed from Bred Plants.
Netting Supports are cut and the Net rounded up around the Bred Plant to Hang and Dry

Colloidal Silver is used to make Feminized Seed.

Cleanliness is extremely important throughout the process.
From the Planting of Seeds all the way to Storage.
The sanitization process should always begin with a completely clean grow space.
Starting a Grow in an Immaculate Setting is the best Methodology.
Tools are okay, but anything that is or once was living must go as these are prime breeding grounds for pests and bacteria.
Cannabis is an “Organic Material” and will be consumed by others than Humans if not treated properly.

I believe in this Thailand Cannabis Endeavor.
Back in The Early 2010s I was a Real Estate Developer.
I built this House and I owned the Subdivision.
A Cannabis Business here in Thailand is a lot less Speculative!

The little notches in the bottom of tennis shoes can carry eggs from insects.
Mold spores can be on People’s clothing so it’s good to have people wear a lab coat and Shoe Covers before they enter your grow, especially if they’ve come from another Grow.
You don’t know how other people are growing or what they’re protocols are.
I do not allow visitors to my Farms.
If you need Ganja, I have Thai Stick here and I am Licensed to Sell.

The Farmers.

[email protected]
66 83 810 0577