My Friends in Sirin and Bangkok called tonight. Thailand Hemp Farms was in the News there! Ok So now the pressure is really on… I need all the help I can get. Growing Hemp is the next thing. I started talking to others about this coming “thing” (Hemp Cultivation) over a Year ago. When I started on my Licensing.

I know of most Farmers that will sometime this year be able to acquire seed. However they are growing for Hemp Seed. The money is in Growing Hemp Flower with CBD content. Growing for seed, well I think this will be an easy task for some. At Thailand Hemp Farms we grow/produce High Quality, High Cannabinoid Flower. This is what we are doing here in Doncan. And we are going to be the 1st in Thailand to grow.

Thank You Scott, Alan, Thank You Tim and Kevin. Thank You Berm and The Thai FDA and The Thai People for having us. Thank All of you out there for your Support. I will not Forget all of you!

Away we go!!!

Kevin Leopard

Categories: Uncategorized


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