Ended Up 5 Meters and 560 GramsGrain CropCBDCBD CropOur Humble example for now. To reach this height (almost 4 Meters) The Photoperiod was extended…..CBD FlowerThe Male Bananas at the bottom Left are us making Feminized Seed, This Plant was still Very Young. Started off with over 200 Plants. After removing the Hermaphrodites and Short or Low Yielding Plants, Ended up with about 36 that had desirable Traits and were Bred. Producing over 5000 Feminized seeds.
A new method of artificial photosynthesis could get humans one step closer to using the machinery of plants to make fuels. Plants use Carbon Dioxide. Oxygen is a “byproduct”. So are other Hydrocarbons, like Ethelyn. Hemp Read more…
Millie’ s Green House has Opened another Store. Some of our current Products below. Millie’s Green House is one of perhaps 200 in the Kingdom of Thailand that is GACP Certified. Everything you will see Read more…
Yes our time has finally come! Some Outsider that was cast aside! Indoor grow Indoor grow Samples for Give away Part of 500 Sacks of 2 year Old Organic Killer Soil Young Wedding Cake Plant Read more…